The Greek Tycoon's Pregnant Wife Read online

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‘No! God, no,’ she assured him unsteadily, and, with a groan of satisfaction, Demetri looked down at where their bodies were joined.

  ‘Telios,’ he breathed. ‘You are perfect. We are perfect together, neh?’

  ‘Neh. I mean, yes, yes,’ she got out with an effort. Then, half closing her eyes, ‘Please: don’t stop now.’

  ‘I do not believe I could, pethi mou,’ he confessed, and she was so wet, when he drew back she could hear the audible suction of his flesh against hers. ‘There are limits to even my control, sweet one, and we passed them some minutes ago.’ He pushed into her again and now he began to quicken his pace. ‘Theos, we belong together.’

  Jane couldn’t deny it. Not at that moment, not when her body convulsed around his only seconds before his release. She felt him spurting inside her, felt his heat melting all coherent thought, and clamped her thighs around him in a final act of possession.

  * * *

  She wasn’t sure how long she lay there with Demetri cradled between her thighs. In the beginning, she couldn’t have moved, and then she found she didn’t want to. Their bodies were still joined and she knew it would take very little to arouse him again. His sex lay, still semi-aroused, in her, and she knew she had only to put down her hand and touch him to have him harden into desire.

  But, eventually, she forced herself to raise her arm and look at her watch and saw to her horror that they’d been in the library for over an hour. Someone—probably his mother—was going to start wondering what was taking so long, and Jane could just imagine how she would react if she opened the door and found her precious son half-naked in his soon-to-be-ex-wife’s arms.

  It was that awareness as much as anything that made her struggle to get free. She couldn’t bear the thought that Maria Souvakis might witness her humiliation. For, however she tried to interpret it, the fact remained that once again she’d allowed Demetri to take advantage of her. Heavens, hadn’t she learned her lesson the first time? She was pregnant, for goodness’ sake. And she hadn’t got that way by any immaculate conception.

  ‘Komatia, what are you doing?’

  Demetri’s lazy protest caused her to quicken her actions. And because he was still semi-comatose, she was able to push him aside and scramble off the chair.

  ‘I’m leaving,’ she said unsteadily, tugging her tank down over her breasts and snatching up her underwear, which she stuffed into the pocket of her skirt. She averted her eyes from his shameless nakedness. ‘If I were you, I’d put your clothes on. I doubt if Ariadne would appreciate seeing you in your present state of undress.’

  Demetri swore, but she noticed he did as she suggested, tugging up his trousers and fastening his zip. But when she thought it was safe to leave, he pushed himself up from the chair and regarded her through narrowed eyes.

  ‘We’re not through, you know,’ he said harshly, and, although she only glanced in his direction, she knew she would never forget the sight of him with his shirt unfastened and his zip in definite danger of slipping open again.

  ‘I think we are,’ she retorted, and this time when she headed for the door he didn’t try to stop her.

  ‘I’ll see you at dinner,’ he said, and, although Jane badly wanted to deny this, she was a guest in his father’s house and the decision wasn’t hers to make.

  Shaking her head, she let herself out of the door, praying that she’d be allowed to go to her room without meeting either Ariadne or Ianthe or some member of Demetri’s family. She wanted to be alone, she wanted time to think, and most of all she wanted to escape this awful predicament she’d created for herself.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. And the idea of not having the baby was as painful to her as leaving the island was going to be. But she had to leave. And soon. Before she did something totally outrageous like telling Demetri she was going to have his baby. Ironically enough, it would have been easier to tell him she still loved him than that.

  She caught her breath. Was that true? Could she have been foolish enough to fall in love with him all over again? Because whatever happened, Demetri was never going to believe she hadn’t got pregnant deliberately, and did she really want a relationship based on that suspicion?

  No, she had to leave here. Even if Demetri was prepared to believe her, there would always be the spectre of Ianthe’s baby in the background. And he had a new relationship now, with Ariadne. She didn’t have the right to disrupt his life again.

  Even if he had disrupted hers…

  She had reached the stairs when someone called her name. At first she thought it might be Demetri and she continued on her way. But then she realised that once again the voice had been too mild to be her husband’s and, glancing back, she saw Leo leaning heavily on the banister below.

  She halted immediately, supremely conscious that she was flushed and out of breath. But then, with a gesture of defeat, she came down the stairs again, hoping that the lowering sun would cast her face in shadow.

  ‘I was just going to change,’ she said when he didn’t speak again, and Leo inclined his head.

  ‘Ariadne told me that Demetri was with you,’ he said at last. ‘I hope he hasn’t upset you again.’


  Jane felt a sob of hysteria rise in her throat and quickly fought it down. ‘It—he just wanted to ask me if I’d received the divorce papers,’ she said, which was true. Then, moistening her lips, she added, ‘I’m glad I’ve got this opportunity to speak to you, actually, Leo. I think it’s time I went back to England.’

  Demetri’s father frowned. ‘You do?’

  ‘Yes.’ Jane swallowed. ‘Now that Demetri’s back—’

  ‘So he has been intimidating you—’

  ‘No.’ Jane couldn’t allow him to think that. ‘It’s just—well, I’m in the way here.’

  ‘You’re not in my way, Jane.’

  ‘No, but you know what I’m saying.’ Jane sighed. ‘It’s been wonderful seeing you again, Leo, but I don’t belong here any more.’

  Leo sighed. ‘Well, if that’s your decision…’

  ‘It is.’ And then, seeing his disappointment, Jane came right down the stairs to give him an impulsive hug. ‘You know I don’t want to leave you—’

  ‘Then why do so?’

  ‘I just have to,’ she insisted, drawing back. ‘Please say you understand.’

  Leo shook his head. ‘I assume you’ve told Demetri.’

  ‘Um—not yet, no.’

  ‘Don’t you think he’ll have something to say about it?’

  ‘Perhaps.’ Jane sighed. And then, because telling Demetri was something she couldn’t face right now, she added, ‘Would you do that, Leo? Tell him, I mean? But not—not before dinner, if you don’t mind.’

  Leo looked troubled. ‘Are you afraid of him, Jane?’

  ‘No.’ Jane stifled a groan. ‘I just—don’t want any fuss,’ she murmured awkwardly. ‘And now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go and have a shower before we eat.’


  TO DEMETRI’S relief, Thermia wasn’t joining them for dinner. Only his parents, Stefan and Ariadne were waiting in the orangery when he arrived, and, although he wanted to ask where Jane was, in the circumstances he decided discretion was the better part of valour.

  To begin with, his father detained him in conversation about the conference he’d been attending, but as soon as the old man paused to speak to Demetri’s mother, Ariadne took his place.

  ‘What on earth took you so long this afternoon?’ she exclaimed. ‘You and that woman were in the library for ages. I was forced to entertain your mother and your aunt, and believe me that wasn’t easy.’

  ‘Thermia’s not my aunt,’ said Demetri evenly. ‘Did Ianthe come back?’

  ‘No.’ Ariadne showed her displeasure. ‘Did you expect she would?’

  ‘I hoped she wouldn’t,’ retorted Demetri tersely. ‘Ianthe and I have nothing to say to one another.’

  Ariadne looked pleased at this. ‘I notice your wife didn’t
take kindly to seeing the two of you together,’ she commented. ‘I suppose it brings back too many unhappy memories, hmm?’

  Demetri found it difficult to conceal his resentment now. ‘What unhappy memories?’ he demanded. ‘Jane hardly knows Ianthe.’

  ‘No.’ Ariadne shrugged. ‘But seeing Ianthe must remind her of how close the two of you used to be.’

  ‘Jane and me?’

  ‘No.’ Ariadne clicked her tongue. ‘You and Ianthe. Come on, Demetri. I know the child she had was yours.’

  ‘You don’t know anything of the kind.’ Demetri spoke through his teeth. ‘In any case, I’d prefer not to talk about it. To you or anyone else.’

  ‘Oh, I see.’ Ariadne’s dark brows lifted in amusement. ‘That’s what you and Jane were arguing about, was it?’ She gave a snort of satisfaction. ‘I can imagine how pleasant that would be.’

  Demetri was tempted to say she didn’t know what she was talking about, but it was easier to let her believe that he and Jane had been arguing rather than have her speculate on what else they might have been doing. Theos, he thought incredulously. Had he really made love to Jane in full view of the library windows? What did she do to him to make him care so little about who might see them? And when was this mad infatuation going to end?

  ‘Your mother will be glad to see the back of her,’ Ariadne was continuing, unaware that she no longer had his undivided attention. ‘And I think even Leo is beginning to wish he’d never invited her here.’

  Demetri doubted that. Remembering the way his father had treated Jane that afternoon, he’d been left in no doubt that the old man was very fond of her. Too fond, perhaps, if he expected his son to divorce her and marry someone else.

  A twinge of awareness made him turn towards the door just in time to see his father going to greet the woman in question. This evening Jane was wearing narrow-legged silk trousers and a wide-necked silk sweater, both in black, that accentuated the intense fairness of her skin.

  The sweater had been designed to slip off one or both shoulders, revealing that its owner wasn’t wearing a bra. And Demetri found himself remembering the paleness of her breasts against his hands, the rosy peaks that had tasted so sweet just a couple of hours ago…

  The memory caused him to harden immediately and he wished he were wearing a jacket to hide the sudden constriction of his trousers. He consoled himself with the assurance that it was fairly dark in the orangery with only scattered lanterns to provide illumination. Besides, by the time his father was willing to relinquish her undivided attention and brought Jane to join the rest of the family he had himself in control again.

  ‘Why don’t you get your wife a drink, Demetri?’ his father suggested half maliciously, and, although Demetri resented the familiarity, at least it gave him a reason to tear his eyes away from her.

  ‘Ouzo?’ he offered with what he considered was admirable tolerance, but Jane shook her head.

  ‘Just orange juice, please,’ she said, and he noticed she was avoiding his eyes, too. Then she turned to smile at his younger brother, who was lounging near by. ‘Hey, Stefan, I forgot to thank you for taking me into Kalithi this morning. I do appreciate it.’

  Stefan made some easy deprecatory comment, but Demetri could feel his hackles rising at the thought of Jane and his younger brother together. Chesta, Stefan wasn’t supposed to care for the company of women. What the hell was he doing taking Jane into town? She could drive, couldn’t she? Why didn’t she just take herself?

  In consequence, he made the mistake of looking at her when he brought the glass of orange juice she’d requested and was rewarded by a decidedly provocative stare in return. ‘Thanks,’ she said. Then, as if she cared, ‘Aren’t you drinking this evening?’

  Demetri’s jaw tightened. ‘I’m not in the mood,’ he said, thinking privately that getting drunk might be precisely the right thing to do in his present state of mind. He arched a sardonic brow. ‘So what did you buy in Kalithi? If I’d known you needed something, I could have arranged to bring it back from Athens.’

  ‘Don’t you know that a woman doesn’t have to need anything to enjoy shopping?’ Stefan interposed lightly. ‘And you a married man and all.’

  ‘Not for much longer,’ put in Ariadne swiftly, not to be outdone. ‘Isn’t that right, darling?’ She tucked her arm through Demetri’s. ‘You can’t wait to be free.’

  Demetri saw Jane press her lips together at this blatant piece of propaganda, but it was Stefan who answered for her. ‘Then it’s just as well I’m here to act as Jane’s protector,’ he remarked, slipping an arm about her waist and drawing her closer. ‘We get along famously, don’t we, darling?’

  Jane’s smile appeared again. ‘Well, I must admit you’ve looked after me very well,’ she agreed, and Demetri found himself wanting to push his fist into his brother’s smug face.

  ‘So why didn’t you drive into town yourself?’ he asked tersely, releasing himself from Ariadne’s clinging hold. ‘Your car’s still in the garage, isn’t it?’

  ‘Oh, your mother’s given the little Porsche to me, Demetri.’ Ariadne tried to capture his arm again, but he shook her off. ‘And Jane doesn’t live here any more—’

  ‘My mother had no right to give that car to anyone,’ retorted Demetri furiously, and even Stefan looked surprised at his vehemence.

  ‘It’s not as if it was a new car,’ he ventured, but one look at his brother’s face made him bite his tongue.

  ‘The car belongs to Jane,’ insisted Demetri harshly, and now even Ariadne looked put out. ‘Hristo, why wasn’t I consulted about this?’

  Maria Souvakis had heard the raised voices and now she turned to look disapprovingly at her eldest son. ‘For heaven’s sake, Demetri, it’s just a car, you know. Not the crown jewels!’

  ‘And you couldn’t wait to humiliate Jane, could you?’ he snapped angrily. He turned to look at Ariadne. ‘Don’t tell me you went to pick her up from the ferry in the Porsche!’

  ‘Of course I did.’ It was obvious Ariadne didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. ‘As your mother says, it is only a car, Demetri.’

  ‘It’s Jane’s car, not yours,’ he returned bleakly, and now Jane knew she had to intervene before he said or did something he would definitely regret after she’d gone.

  ‘I don’t want it,’ she said, meeting his incensed gaze with cool deliberation. ‘Ariadne’s welcome to it.’ Her lips twisted. ‘It goes with the territory.’

  ‘If you think—’

  Jane had no idea what Demetri might have said then had not his father called a halt to the argument. ‘Dinner is served,’ he told them all severely. ‘Angelena has been trying to attract our attention for the past five minutes.’ He gave Demetri a warning look. ‘Shall we go in?’

  The meal itself was something of an anticlimax. Grilled aubergines were followed by a Greek salad with psaria as the main course. The latter was a whole fish, baked with vegetables and served in a tomato, fennel and olive-oil sauce. It was very spicy, and probably delicious, but Jane, whose uncertain constitution hadn’t been improved by the earlier altercation, found it all rather rich for her taste. She was grateful when the plates were removed and the dessert was served. The sweet flaky pastries were much more to her liking.

  She didn’t think anyone had noticed her lack of appetite, but when they left the table to go into the adjoining salon for coffee, she found Demetri at her side.

  ‘Not hungry?’ he asked in an undertone, and she permitted herself an impatient look in his direction.

  ‘Are you surprised?’

  ‘You’re blaming me?’

  ‘Well, I have to wonder what all that excessive outrage was about. You’re going to marry Ariadne. Why shouldn’t she have use of the car?’

  Demetri’s nostrils flared. ‘It means that little to you?’

  ‘Demetri, it’s probably been standing idle for the last five years. Why not?’

  ‘I’ve had it serviced regularly.’

Good for you.’

  Jane tried to sound indifferent, but his persistence was telling on her nerves. It was devastating to be this close to him physically, yet be aware of the gulf between them. Her mind was filled with what had happened that afternoon and she hated it that he seemed so totally removed now from that flagrant intimacy.

  Demetri scowled. ‘I suppose that’s why you asked Stefan to take you into town,’ he said harshly. ‘I didn’t know you and my brother were such good friends.’

  ‘There’s a lot of things you don’t know about your brother,’ retorted Jane shortly, and then wished she could control her impulsive tongue. She glanced quickly about the room and saw that the rest of the family were waiting for them to join them. ‘We ought to sit down.’

  ‘In a second.’

  Fortunately the maid chose that moment to appear with the coffee-pot. And, although Jane was sure that both Maria and Ariadne were cursing the screen she created between them, it did allow Demetri the time to demand that she explain what she meant.

  ‘It’s not important,’ she insisted, wishing she could retract her words. ‘Look, your mother and Ariadne are watching us.’

  ‘I want to know what you meant.’ Demetri was insistent. ‘What don’t I know about Stefan? Don’t tell me he’s had a sudden epiphany; that he’s decided he prefers women to men, after all?’

  ‘Don’t be so patronising.’ Jane bitterly resented his attitude. ‘Apparently Stefan and his partner have been together over six years.’

  ‘I did know that.’ Demetri lifted his shoulders. ‘They have a house in Kalithi. Stefan’s only spending so much time at the villa because of our father’s illness.’

  ‘That’s right.’ Jane was aware that all eyes were on them now. ‘So there you are, then.’

  Demetri’s scowl deepened. ‘You still haven’t explained what you meant about Stefan. What don’t I know that I should?’

  ‘Oh, Demetri…’ Jane sighed. ‘We can’t discuss it now.’

  ‘Very well.’ He inclined his head. ‘I’ll come to your room later. You can tell me then.’

  Jane couldn’t resist it. ‘Won’t you be with Ariadne?’ she asked innocently, and was glad his family’s presence prevented him from making the kind of response she deserved.


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