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Mendez’s Mistress Page 10

  Thankfully, there was a coffee shop and a small pharmacy attached to the hotel, and she was able to buy herself a coffee to go and some chocolates for Daisy. Normally she wouldn’t encourage her to eat rich confectionery, but these were exceptional circumstances. Then, sipping the coffee, she went outside to look for a taxi.

  There was no taxi in sight, but she refused to consider what Luther had said about Joe lending her a car. And luckily, a taxi arrived soon afterwards. The driver offloaded two passengers and their luggage and she was able to grab it. ‘The Steinberg Clinic, please,’ she said, sinking into the back seat.

  It was after nine o’clock when she got to the clinic, and she stowed the half-drunk styrofoam mug of coffee in a waste bin before going in. As luck would have it, a young man was manning the desk this morning, and after she’d identified herself he had no problem in directing her to the second floor.

  She was aware of the security guard watching her as she took the lift, but she reached the second floor without incident. She had to identify herself again at the nurses’ station and then she was allowed to make her way to Daisy’s room. But when she opened the door, she discovered Daisy already had a visitor.

  Joe Mendez was lounging on the wide windowsill beside her daughter’s bed, and Daisy was giggling at something he’d said. There was such an air of camaraderie between them that Rachel almost felt as if she was intruding. Yet she was glad Daisy wasn’t on her own, she told herself. Even if she’d never expected to see Joe again.

  Joe got up from the sill as Rachel stepped into the room, and Daisy, sensing another presence, turned her head. ‘Mum!’ she exclaimed eagerly. And then, as if remembering Rachel had promised to come back the night before and hadn’t, her expression changed. ‘I thought you’d forgotten I was here.’

  ‘Oh, Daisy!’ Rachel rolled her lips inward, pressing the box of chocolates to her chest like a shield. ‘I fell asleep,’ she admitted honestly, uncomfortably aware that Joe was listening. Then, turning to him, ‘Um—thanks for visiting Daisy again, Mr Mendez. It’s very kind of you.’

  Joe tucked his palms into the back pockets of his trousers and swayed back on his heels before replying. He was formally dressed this morning, his pin-striped grey shirt and charcoal-grey trousers indicating a business meeting. ‘I was passing,’ he said. Then, his eyes darkening, ‘Did you sleep well?’

  ‘Too well,’ murmured Rachel, feeling the heat rising up her throat as he continued to look at her. Were her breasts puckering? she wondered. Was the film of perspiration she could feel breaking out all over her visible? She lifted her hand and made a futile attempt to fan herself. ‘It’s very hot.’

  ‘It’s Miami in August,’ remarked Joe drily, but Rachel noticed it didn’t seem to bother him. He looked so cool—and gorgeous, she thought, looking away before he noticed the effect he was having on her. Dear heaven, she was behaving like a schoolgirl. She had to stop reacting in this way.

  ‘Mr Mendez comes most days,’ put in Daisy, apparently deciding she’d been ignored long enough. She fumbled for something half-hidden beneath the coverlet. ‘Look what he’s brought me.’

  She produced something that looked like the iPod Rachel had bought her at Christmas. But it was smaller and slimmer, and when Daisy touched a switch a small screen flickered to life. ‘It’s a video iPod,’ she said proudly. ‘Isn’t it great? I can download videos as well as music and watch them on the screen.’

  ‘Really?’ Rachel was impressed in spite of herself, but there was no way she could allow her daughter to accept such an expensive gift from him. She licked her lips and turned to Joe again. ‘It’s very nice,’ she said inadequately, ‘But Daisy can’t keep it.’


  Daisy’s cry of protest was predictable, but Rachel couldn’t help that. ‘It’s too much,’ she said, avoiding Joe’s dark gaze. ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘But Mum…’

  Daisy was getting tearful now, and Joe felt a surge of impatience as Rachel held her ground. He’d wanted to do this for Daisy; wanted to give her something to make her time in hospital more fun. And give him an excuse to visit her again, he admitted ruefully. Because, now that Rachel was here, he definitely wanted to see her again, whatever excuse he had to make.

  ‘Mum, you can’t stop me from having it,’ Daisy was saying sulkily. ‘It’s mine, not yours. Mr Mendez has already downloaded a load of teen movies, so I’m not bored while I’m lying here.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Rachel muttered, but now she couldn’t prevent her gaze from shifting to Joe’s dark face. He should have known better, she thought crossly. He hardly knew the child.

  ‘How about if Daisy only borrows it while she’s in the hospital?’ he suggested mildly. ‘I don’t mind. I’ve got a stack of them lying around the place. It’s no big deal.’

  Not for you, maybe, Rachel brooded, aware she was fighting a losing battle. Joe was determined to win this argument and she was fairly sure there was humour lurking behind his eyes. He was probably enjoying her confusion. Another anecdote to regale her ex-husband with perhaps?

  ‘Please, Mum.’ Now that she saw a glimmer of hope on the horizon, Daisy was prepared to be docile. With an appealing smile, she added, ‘Are those chocolates for me?’

  ‘What?’ Rachel became aware that she was practically squashing the box of chocolates to her chest. ‘Oh, yes.’ With a hurried gesture, she handed the box over. ‘Sorry. They may be a bit soft.’

  ‘Unlike the giver,’ murmured Joe, crossing the room and dropping the mocking remark in her ear. Then, turning back, ‘Bye, Daisy. I guess I’ll see you both later.’


  ‘THANKS, Mr Mendez.’

  Daisy evidently thought the controversy was over, but as Joe closed the door behind him Rachel knew she wasn’t prepared to leave it like that. ‘I won’t be a minute,’ she said to her startled daughter, and jerking open the door again, she stepped into the corridor outside.

  ‘Mr Mendez!’

  Closing Daisy’s door, she called his name, and Joe, who had almost reached the double doors into the reception area, paused at once. Turning, he saw her, and Rachel couldn’t deny a ridiculous sense of satisfaction when he strolled back to her.

  ‘Hi,’ he said, as if they hadn’t just been involved in a dispute in Daisy’s room. ‘What can I do for you?’

  Rachel pressed the palms of her hands together, not knowing how she was going to handle this. ‘I wish you hadn’t given Daisy such an expensive present,’ she said at last, and Joe’s mouth took on a cynical twist.

  ‘Well, hey, and I thought you were going to thank me for loaning you that automobile,’ he remarked drily, hands on his hips. ‘I should have known better.’

  Rachel sighed. ‘I don’t know anything about an automobile,’ she said, ignoring what Luther had told her. ‘And you’re deliberately confusing me…’

  ‘Am I?’ He didn’t sound concerned. ‘So?’

  ‘So…’ Rachel glanced up into his disturbing face, wishing she had more experience in these matters. These days all her knowledge of men seemed to come from books she’d written or read, and she couldn’t manipulate Joe Mendez like she could one of her characters. ‘I—er—I’d like your word that you won’t turn Daisy’s head with any more extravagant gifts. She’s an impressionable teenager, and although we’re not poor by any means, I can’t afford to spend hundreds of pounds—dollars—every time she sees something she wants.’

  A muscle in Joe’s jaw jerked spasmodically. ‘You don’t pull your punches, do you, Ms Carlyle?’ he said coldly. ‘Believe it or not, I didn’t give Daisy the video iPod with any intention of turning her head or encouraging her to believe that she can get anything she wants without working for it.’


  It was obvious Rachel didn’t believe him, and Joe felt compelled to go on. ‘No,’ he said flatly. ‘I don’t care what you believe, but I haven’t always been in the happy position of being able to afford anything that takes my fancy eit
her. Growing up, my family was like yours, except we were immigrants. I didn’t go short, but I always knew I’d have to work if I wanted to make a success of my life.’

  Rachel stared at him. ‘But your family owns a multi-million-dollar company,’ she protested, and Joe gave an angry snort.

  ‘Yeah, they do now,’ he conceded. ‘My father was fortunate enough to understand computers, and between us we found a way to use macro technology to simplify disciplines in science and economics. We were lucky. Our idea took off. But that was only ten years ago, after I left Harvard.’

  ‘Harvard!’ Rachel’s eyes widened and Joe pulled a wry face.

  ‘Yeah, Harvard,’ he agreed. ‘What can I tell you? I was a bright student. A guy can get sponsorship if he’s clever enough.’

  ‘And you were? Clever enough, I mean?’

  ‘No.’ Joe found he couldn’t lie to her, even if his answer caused her to give him a cynical look. ‘Actually, my grandparents supported me.’ He grimaced. ‘That part was easy. Staying there wasn’t.’

  ‘Oh, well…’ Rachel shrugged. ‘It’s nothing to do with me, is it?’

  ‘No, it’s not.’ Joe’s voice was terse and she could sense he was impatient. ‘But you’ve made it a bone of contention between us and I’m entitled to defend myself.’ He raked a hand through his short hair, causing it to spike on top of his head. ‘Damn it, I don’t know why we’re having this conversation. It’s obvious you don’t believe a single word I’ve said.’

  Rachel blinked. ‘I didn’t say I didn’t believe you.’

  ‘You didn’t have to.’ His voice was harsh. ‘God, why do I let you get under my skin?’

  Rachel swallowed. The corridor seemed very empty suddenly. ‘I didn’t know I did,’ she protested, feeling the flesh on her arms prickle with anticipation, and he scowled.

  ‘Well, you do,’ he told her roughly, and she thought he was going to turn and stride back the way he’d come. But instead he reached for her, pulling her in closer so he could cover her mouth with his.

  Desire came hot and fast, her bones melting as his hungry tongue thrust into her mouth. His hands gripped her hips, jerking her against him, and the hardness of his body was unmistakeable.

  Joe groaned. This wasn’t meant to have happened. He’d spent over a week—and all of last night, incidentally—telling himself that he’d imagined the effect she had on him. He’d known women before, plenty of them, and he’d always been able to walk away without looking back. For God’s sake, he hadn’t even slept with Rachel, yet he hungered for her with a need that defied description.

  There was something about her that made the blood run hot in his veins and caused a wholly carnal reaction in his groin. For heaven’s sake, he’d been half-aroused since she’d walked into Daisy’s room in those so-conservative shorts that nonetheless displayed the sexy length of her legs.

  He’d wanted to touch her then, to run his fingers up the insides of her thighs and discover for himself if she was as aroused as he was. He’d wanted to bury his face between her breasts and lick the beads of sweat from her delectable cleavage.

  His hands slid around her, finding the curve of her spine, the provocative separation of her bottom. He moulded her to him, her softness a delicious counterpoint to his hardness, and knew that, whatever happened, he was going to see her again.

  With her nipples probing the fine silk of his shirt, it was hard to let her go. But he had to. Dragging his mouth from hers, he ran his thumb over her bottom lip with an urgency that revealed his raw frustration.

  ‘I’ve got to go,’ he said harshly. ‘But I want to see you again.’

  Rachel swayed a little as he spoke. It was an effort to think coherently when her head was swimming, and the knowledge that once again he had the advantage was causing goose bumps to feather her skin.

  But she couldn’t let him see how shaken she was, and with a determined effort she said, ‘I suppose you’re bound to see me again when you come to visit Daisy,’ as if that thought didn’t fill her with panic. ‘I’d better get back—’

  ‘Wait!’ Once again, Joe’s hand captured her arm. ‘I mean I want to see you again.’ He paused. ‘Have dinner with me. Tonight.’

  ‘I can’t.’

  It was an instinctive denial born of a need to protect herself, but Joe wouldn’t accept it. ‘Why can’t you?’ he demanded. ‘You’re not seeing Steve, are you?’

  ‘Steve?’ Rachel looked astounded. ‘Heavens, no.’

  ‘So maybe you feel some loyalty to this guy you’re seeing back home?’ he suggested, feeling his stomach clench at the thought.

  But Rachel only shook her head. ‘Paul’s a friend, that’s all,’ she said firmly.

  As if Joe was something more than that!

  ‘Okay, then…’

  ‘There’s Daisy to consider,’ she said, realising belatedly that she could have used Paul as an excuse.

  ‘Does that mean, if you didn’t have Daisy to consider, you’d have no objections?’ he queried, and when she didn’t respond, ‘They settle Daisy down for the night before nine o’clock. I could pick you up outside.’

  Rachel sighed. ‘Why?’

  ‘Why?’ Joe’s hand fell to his side. ‘You need to ask?’ His eyes were suddenly dark and intense. ‘Rachel, you know why.’

  She shifted uneasily. ‘I can’t believe there isn’t some other woman waiting for you to ask her out.’

  Joe scowled. ‘Okay, maybe I would have no difficulty in getting a date for this evening, but I don’t want anyone else, I want you.’

  Rachel bit her lip. ‘If you feel guilty about what happened just now,’ she began and Joe uttered a strangled oath.

  ‘I don’t feel guilty!’ he snarled, wondering if he’d ever had to beg for a date before. ‘I just want to spend time with someone who doesn’t care about getting their picture in the papers or how much money I have in the bank. But okay, yeah, I want to sleep with you. And despite your reaction, I think you want to sleep with me.’

  Rachel took a step backward. ‘And you assume I’ll go out with you after that?’

  ‘Why not?’ Joe’s eyes rested sensually on her mouth. ‘Come on, Rachel. Live dangerously for once. I’ve read one of your books, and I know your heroines don’t get freaked out when a man tells them he’s attracted to them.’

  ‘My heroes don’t expect sex on a first date,’ she retorted indignantly, and Joe spread his hands in a gesture of defeat.

  ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘Just dinner, then. How’s that? I promise I won’t try to jump you in the restaurant.’

  Rachel shook her head. The temptation to do as he said and live dangerously was strong, but for the last few years she’d avoided any kind of emotional entanglement. She had no intention of allowing herself to be hurt again, and something told her any pain Joe inflicted would not be easily repaired.


  ‘Just dinner?’ She lifted her head, and Joe made a sign of assent. ‘All right,’ she said. ‘But I have to warn you, I didn’t bring any special clothes with me.’

  Joe’s grin was smug. ‘Come as you are,’ he said drily. ‘Nine o’clock downstairs, right?’

  Rachel’s tongue circled her lower lip. ‘Right.’

  ‘Good.’ Joe’s voice was husky, and before she could stop him he’d wiped her lip with his finger and brought the moisture he’d collected to his lips.

  Daisy wasn’t very impressed when Rachel recovered herself sufficiently to enter her daughter’s room again. ‘What have you been doing?’ she grumbled. ‘I thought you came to see me, not spend time arguing with Mr Mendez.’

  Arguing? Rachel felt a hysterical desire to laugh. ‘Oh, it was nothing important,’ she said. ‘And you needn’t worry, you can keep the video iPod as long as you’re in here.’

  ‘Yes.’ Daisy made a fist, but then she sobered. ‘Come and sit down.’ She patted the bed beside her. ‘I have something to tell you.’

  Rachel was wary, but she seated herself on the side of Daisy’
s bed. ‘What?’

  Daisy offered her a chocolate from the box before saying, ‘Dad and Lauren came to see me last night.’

  ‘They did?’ Rachel refused the chocolate before adding, ‘It’s just as well I didn’t come back, then, isn’t it?’

  ‘Well, no, actually.’ Daisy popped the rejected chocolate into her mouth. ‘I think he expected you to be here.’ She paused again, examining the contents of the box. ‘I think that’s why he brought Lauren.’

  ‘Really?’ Rachel realised that, apart from caring about Steve’s treatment of Daisy, she couldn’t care less about him or Lauren. ‘I thought you said she didn’t like hospitals.’

  ‘She doesn’t.’ Daisy shrugged. ‘Maybe she didn’t trust Dad to be alone with you.’

  ‘Oh, please.’ Rachel stared at her. ‘I don’t think that’s likely, do you?’

  ‘You never know.’ Daisy regarded her critically for a moment. ‘You’ve changed, Mum. You look really pretty these days. If you could just get used to wearing more trendy gear, I think you’d be surprised at how good you look.’

  ‘Gee, thanks.’ Rachel didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had paid her such a nice compliment. Except when Joe had said she was beautiful, of course. But he’d had his own reasons for saying that.

  ‘Anyway…’ Rachel was eager to leave the subject of her appearance. ‘How are you feeling this morning?’ She studied the girl’s face intently. ‘You know, I do believe the swelling round your eye is going down.’

  Daisy pulled a face. ‘I still look like Frankenstein’s sister,’ she grumbled. ‘Dr Gonzales says I’ve been very lucky, but I don’t know. Do you think my face will ever look normal again?’

  ‘Of course it will.’ Rachel was optimistic. ‘And you always look good to me, baby.’ She sighed. ‘Which reminds me, I didn’t get to speak to Dr Gonzales last night, either. I hope he’ll forgive me for wasting his time.’